Updated July 3, 2024

Here for a printable pdf version of the above
Here for the vendor application
Posted on May 10, 2021
Alexander McAdam
May 27, 1940 - May 8, 2021
GLMI board member for over 30 years
The Great Lakes Maritime
Institute’s most recent project was the
recovery of the 6,000 pound bow anchor of the
S.S. GREATER DETROIT and its exhibition at the
Detroit/Wayne County Port Authority building.
On November 15, 2016, the anchor was
successfully raised and on National Maritime
Day, May 22, 2017, it was dedicated in a
display at the Detroit/Wayne County Port
Authority Building.
article with video of the anchor being
article showing the anchor dedication.
learn more about the history of the SS
In July 1992 GLMI carried
out a similar project when the anchor of the
S.S. EDMUND FITZGERALD was recovered from the
bottom of the Detroit River. That anchor is
currently resting in the yard of the Dossin
Great Lakes Museum on Belle Isle.
By using the Detroit River webcam that is mounted
on the top of the William Clay Ford Pilothouse
you are able to see the anchor from the S.S.
The GLMI’s last anchor
fundraiser also provided the funds to send a
recovery team to Baltimore, Maryland where
the S.S. SOUTH AMERICAN was being scrapped
in 1992. The group recovered a number of
artifacts from the vessel just before it was
dismantled. Our group was fortunate to have
the opportunity to recover a number of port
holes and document the condition of the
vessel before it was destroyed in a fire
while it was being scrapped.
The GLMI also helped pay for the
installation of the S.S. WILLIAM CLAY FORD
pilothouse, a thirty by thirty foot steel
and glass addition to the Dossin Great Lakes
Museum. This artifact was taken off the
vessel intact before it was scrapped.
When one visits the Dossin Great Lakes
Museum you will be walking into an actual
working pilothouse from a Great Lakes
freighter that was built at the Great Lakes
Engineering Works at River Rough/Ecorse,
The Detroit River webcam
was one of the projects that the GLMI was able
to help fund. It allows an individual to
actually control the camera that is mounted on
the mast of the S.S. WILLIAM CLAY FORD
Posted August 25, 2013:
Recovered artifacts from
the Str. REGINA are being prepared for auction
at the annual GLMI dinner, scheduled for
October 27, 2013 at Blossom Heath in St. Clair
Shores. On August 20, volunteers from
GLMI and International Shipmasters Association
met to clean and prepare various
artifacts. Click
Here for details and pictures of the
cleaning project.