Water-tight bulkhead and prefabricated side walls in center the main
deck and hatch construction has started. |

Side view of hull showing various sections from double bottom up to main
deck being plated. |

Gantry crane lowering engine room deck floor at stern of vessel. Edge of
floating dry dock at right. |

Cargo hold side plates being secured. Note tunnel on top level on right
through which crew members walk during bad weather. |

Double bottom support for stern section awaiting delivery in hull. |

Beginning to form the bow sections with two gantry cranes working on
site. Logs used to support the plates being formed. |

Aligning and forming the hull plate near bow sections. |

Forming stern section. Placing prefabricated double bottom supports in
place. Steamer Alpena in floating dry dock. |

Following forms at stern to be sure bent plates line up correctly. Log
supports the temporary welded angles. Note pumps in stern. |

Working on the bow section. |

Prefabricated double bottom sections on the
floating dry dock next to work site over looking the Detroit River.
Cranes ready to lift prefabricated sections into place. |

Stern Post to support propeller shaft
secured in place |

Stern view with stern posts in. Note coal
bunkers at the main deck level. |

Main hold in center at bow. Logs used to
support plates with temporary angle welds. |

Stern of the vessel, vent assemblies await
installation (left center). Tie up bollards in lower right portion of
image laying on its side. |